# 👀 You've found my totally-top-secret vault! This is a new experiment for me to try [[Learning in Public|learning in public]], so I'm sharing things as I go rather than suddenly popping up with a shiny and finished thing. Some notes are unfinished, if you want to see them expanded, just send me a message! 🙌 In this knowledge vault you can expect to see my thought processes, raw notes, resource lists, a sprinkling of typos, and other nonsense :D Feel free to dig through your interests and reference or link to any of my notes (all uncited and unquoted notes are my own)😀 Happy wiki diving! – TJ *** #### Navigation You can use the menu navigation, explore the interactive graph, or start from here by browsing these [[Maps of Content|maps of content]]: - 🗺 [[Worldbuilding]] - 🔥 [[World Anvil]] - 📊 [[Google Sheets]] - 💻 [[Web Development]] - 🏷 [[Marketing & Monetisation]] - ☑ [[Project Management & Productivity]] - 🧠 [[Personal Knowledge Management]] - 🎨 [[Visual Arts]] - 📁 [[Miscellaneous]] There's also a [[Glossary|glossary]] that explains all of those weird and wonderful acronyms used in this vault. **Heads up!** This vault runs on [[Obsidian]], if you see any `code blocks` or plugin error messages it just means that something in the [[Obsidian plugins I use|plugins I use]] is only rendering on my desktop app and not this [[Obsidian Publish]] site. Dull links are notes that haven't been created yet :D *** >[!example] Socials >You've found my secrets, here's where you can find me out in the wild! > >[tjtrewin.com](https://tjtrewin.com/) • [my shop](https://tjtrewin.gumroad.com/) • [Ko-fi](https://ko-fi.com/tjtrewin) >[WorldAnvil](https://www.worldanvil.com/author/tjtrewin) • [bsky](https://bsky.app/profile/tjtrewin.com) • [Threads](https://www.threads.net/@tjtrewin) • [Tumblr](https://tjtrewin.tumblr.com/) • [Mastodon](https://mastodon.art/@tjtrewin) • [IG](https://www.instagram.com/tjtrewin/) • [X](https://twitter.com/tjtrewin) • [reddit](https://www.reddit.com/user/tjtrewin/) *** ![[Recent updates]]